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Chat Rules:

Chat Rules

1. You may discuss general topics, but ClubPenguin should be the main one.
2. No flaming (Includes fighting, hating on people/races, etc.) This includes hating on websites/chats.
3. No advertising, only links accepted are links to youtube videos.
4. Do not pose as someone else in the Chat Room.
6. Do not ask to be member / mod / owner.
7. Only speak english in this chatroom (Spanish is Fine) 
8. No asking for xats/days/powers, you may trade in
9. No spamming or flooding the chat (Including CAPS ect.)
10. Do not discuss politics, religion, or other topics that usually lead to arguments / disputes.
11. Absolutely NO person information. (Age/State is fine.)
12. Try to keep this Chat at a PG-13 environment.
13. Absolutely NO swearing/cussing.
14. These rules apply at ALL times.

*Failing to follow these rules WILL result in a ban or kick with no warning given depending on the Situation* NOTE to mods/owners: Please kick 2 times first and then ban for 1-6 hours. Cussing will result as an immediate ban for 6 hours.